Taming Her Navy Doc Page 12
“Are you insane?”
“No, I’m serious. Come on; this is a fun song.”
Erica shook her head in disbelief as a weird, drunken crowd formed on the small dance floor in front of them.
“I can’t believe what I’m seeing.”
“What, the dance or the crowd?” Thorne teased.
“Both.” Erica took a swig of her drink. “I’m surprised that no one is filming this. This is going to end up on the internet.”
“Good idea.” Scooby scurried away.
Erica gave Thorne a sidelong glance. “You don’t think he’s going to get a camera, do you?”
“Don’t put it past him. He might actually still have a camcorder back there.”
Scooby returned and held up his phone. “Come on, Captain Wilder and Commander Griffin. Get out there and dance.”
“She said no, Scooby.”
Scooby frowned. “Why?”
“I don’t dance in such an organized fashion.” She winked at Thorne, who was laughing.
“Bah, you’re no fun. I’ll film you anyway.”
“I have to get out of here,” Erica shouted over the din. She set the money down on the counter. “Do you want to get out of here, Thorne?”
“What?” he asked, wincing.
“Let’s go!” she shouted and took his hand, pulling him out of the bar. They managed to avoid Scooby’s camera by disappearing in the throng of people that was now gathering around the edge of the dance floor.
She hated really thick crowds in small spaces. So it wasn’t that she was afraid of dancing, or being caught on Scooby’s video and ending up online, she just knew it would be a sudden crush of people and she didn’t want to have a panic attack in front of Thorne.
When they were outside Erica took a breath of fresh air and began to laugh. “That was crazy. I didn’t think Scooby had that repertoire of music.”
“He has all kinds.”
“I thought he only liked Elvis?” she asked.
“He’s a man of many layers. Like an onion.”
They began to walk along the sidewalk. The stars were out and a large full moon was casting an almost near-perfect reflection on the water of the bay. The Hope loomed up out of the darkness. The white color of the ship caught the light from the moon and the bridge was lit. She knew Captain Dayton was up on his bridge overseeing some of the minor works before they set back out on the ocean again the day after tomorrow. The major retrofit would happen when they docked in San Diego.
“Do you miss serving on the ship?” he asked, breaking the silence.
“Sometimes,” Erica said. “I wanted a change. I like the different opportunities. I’m pretty blessed to do what I love to do.”
“I get it.”
“Do you miss being a part of Special Ops?” she asked.
He cocked his eyebrows.
“Yeah, I know, a dumb question. Of course you do.” She sighed. “It’s a beautiful night; do you want to walk down to the beach?”
“No, my leg isn’t so good on the sand at the best of times. I don’t want to be stumbling at the moment.”
She didn’t know what he meant by that, but they kept on the main path toward the officers’ quarters.
“What do you remember of that day?”
“What day?” she asked.
“I guess I should say night, but I’m not really sure if it was night when you took my leg.”
“I didn’t take your leg, Thorne.”
“I know—when you operated,” he said, correcting himself.
“I remember everything.”
“You do?” he asked, surprised.
“I do. I wondered what happened to you for so long.”
“So it was just curiosity about my well-being?”
“No, there was more to it.” They stopped in a small green, which was between the hospital, the docks and the officer quarters. Suddenly she was shaking and she didn’t know why; she was falling fast and she was so scared about taking the step.
What if I get burned again?
“What else?” He took a step toward her, his hands in his pockets, like he was trying to stop himself from something.
“Your eyes.” Then she reached out and lightly touched his face. “You were scared, but I don’t think it was fear. It was something else. Your eyes haunted me.”
“So my eyes haunted you?”
“You mentioned someone: Liam. Who was he?”
Thorne stiffened at the name. “Someone I knew a while ago.”
It was apparent that the topic of Liam was off-limits.
“You said I was as beautiful as an angel.” Her cheeks burned with heat; she couldn’t look up at him and when she did he ran his thumb over her cheek.
“You are,” he whispered. His eyes sparkled in the dark; her pulse was thundering between her ears and her mouth went dry. Thorne’s hand slipped around her waist, his hand resting in the small of her back. He was so close, they were so close, and all she wanted him to do was kiss her again.
You’re so weak.
She couldn’t let this happen again but she wanted it too. She was so lonely.
“Thorne, I don’t know… This isn’t right.”
He took a step back. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry. I want to, trust me, but… I can’t. I don’t have room for anyone in my life but me.”
“Neither do I, Erica. I can’t promise you anything.”
“I don’t need promises. I’ve had promises made before and they were always broken. I don’t rely on them.” This time she was the one who closed the distance between them. “I don’t expect any promises.”
“Then what do you want?” he asked as he ran his knuckles down her cheek.
She wasn’t sure what she wanted. She wanted to be with Thorne in this moment, but what would it do to her reputation? Could she just have one night with him?
That was what she wanted.
Just one night of passion.
Perhaps, if she fed the craving she had for him, then it would burn him from her system and she could move on. It would clear the air.
You’re weak.
“What do you want, Erica?” His voice was husky as he whispered the words into her ear.
“I want you to kiss me.” She reached out and gripped his shirt.
He leaned forward and she closed her eyes as he kissed her. And then it deepened and she was lost.
ERICA WASN’T SURE how they got to Thorne’s door. All she knew at that moment was she had him pressed against the door, was melting into him. His kiss made her weak in the knees, senseless, and she didn’t want it to end.
He gently pushed her away and she moaned.
“What?” she asked.
“I have to open the door,” Thorne answered, his voice husky with promise.
“Good; I thought you’d changed your mind.”
“No, never.” And then he pulled her into another kiss, which seared her blood and made her swoon against him.
“Open the door.” Erica let him go for just a moment as he unlocked the door. Once it was open he scooped her up, causing her to shriek.
“What’re you doing?”
He shut the door behind him with a kick from his right leg. “Carrying you to my bedroom.”
“You can’t.”
Thorne kissed her. “Watch me.”
And he did carry her to his bedroom, then set her down on her feet. She slowly slid down the length of his body, feeling the heat of him through seemingly many layers of his clothes. Clothes she wanted gone as soon as possible.
“You look good enough to eat,” he whispered against her neck.
Her pulse quickened. “Pardon?”
“You heard me. I’ve been fighting it all evening. Seeing you in the bar by yourself… I’ve been fighting the urge to take you in my arms from the moment you landed in Okinawa.”
“Tell me more.”
Thorne moaned and held her tighter. H
er body was flush with his and Erica wanted the layers separating them to be gone. She wanted them to be naked, skin to skin.
“Do you want me to tell you or do you want me to show you?”
Erica didn’t respond to that, instead she used her mouth to show him exactly how much she wanted from him. She was tired of being alone and for once she wanted to feel passion again, even if it was only fleeting. Thorne was worth it.
The room was dark except for a thin beam of light through the curtains and she was aware how close they were to Thorne’s bed. She was suddenly very nervous. It had been so long since she’d been with a man. It felt like the first time again.
“What’s wrong?” Thorne asked, brushing her hair from her face. “Are you having second thoughts?”
“No. No, I’m not having second thoughts. It’s just been a long time since I’ve been with a man.”
“It’s been a long time for me too.”
“I want you, Thorne. All of you.” And she wanted it. She wanted him to possess her. For once she didn’t want to be the woman men were afraid of because of her rank and her training. Tonight she was just Erica. She was just a woman and he was a man.
He kissed her again, a featherlight one, then buried his face against her neck. His breath caressed her skin, making goose pimples break out. A tingle raced down her spine and she sighed. She couldn’t help herself.
“Take off my clothes,” he whispered.
Erica did just that. Unbuttoning his shirt and running her hands over his chest, it was mostly bare except for a bit of hair, which disappeared under the waist of his pants. Next she undid his belt, pulling it out and snapping it. He slid his hands down her back and cupped her butt, giving her cheeks a squeeze.
“Don’t be naughty,” he teased.
“I swear I won’t.” And then she undid his pants, crouching to pull them down. He kicked them off and then moved to the bed, sitting down to remove his prosthetic leg. “Let me.”
His body stiffened as she ran her hands over his thigh again and undid his prosthesis, setting it against the nightstand. She started to massage his thigh; he moaned.
“That feels good, but I don’t want you to massage me,” he said.
“Oh, no.”
“No.” He pulled her close, kissing her. “Now it’s your turn. Undress.”
Erica stood and began to take off her clothes. His eyes on her excited her, making her heart race. She’d never done anything like this before. It was usually lights-out, under the covers. She’d never stripped for a man before.
“You’re so beautiful. Like an angel,” he murmured. He reached out and pulled her down to him. “So beautiful.”
“Thorne…” She trailed off because she didn’t know what else to say to him. His hands slipped down her back, the heat from his skin searing her flesh and making her body ache with need. She was so exposed to him; it thrilled her. She’d never felt like this before. He cupped her breasts, kneading them, and she moaned at the sensation of his hands on her sensitized skin.
He pinned her against the mattress, his lips on hers, their bodies free of clothing and skin to skin.
She was so ready for him. Each time his fingers skimmed her flesh her body ignited. He pressed his lips against her breast, laving her nipple with his hot tongue. She arched her back. She wanted more from him. So much more.
Erica wanted Thorne to make her burn. To make her forget everyone else. His hand moved down her body, between her legs. He began to stroke her, making her wet with need.
“I want you so bad.”
Erica moaned as he moved away and pulled a condom out of his nightstand drawer.
Thorne moved back to her. “Now, where were we?”
He pressed her against the pillows and settled between her thighs. He shifted position so he was comfortable. The tip of his sex pressed against her. She wanted him to take her, to be his.
Even though she couldn’t be.
Thorne thrust quickly, filling her completely. She clawed at his shoulders, dragging her nails down his skin as he stretched her. He remained still, but she urged him by rocking her hips. She wanted him to move. To take her.
“You feel so good.” Thorne surged forward and she met every one of his thrusts.
She cried out as he moved harder, faster, and a coil of heat unfurled deep within her. Then it came, pleasure like she’d never experienced before. It flooded through her and overwhelmed her senses, her muscles tightening around him as she came. Thorne’s thrusts became shallow and he soon joined her in his climax.
His lips brushed her neck as she held him against her and then he rolled onto his back, pulling her with him, so she could hear his heart beating. She lightly ran her fingers across his skin while his own fingers stroked her back.
“I’m sorry that was so fast. I needed you so bad, I couldn’t hold back.”
“It was amazing,” she whispered. “No apology necessary.”
Erica settled against him, the only sound was that of the ocean outside and his breathing and then she tensed as she realized what she’d done. She’d fallen in with another commanding officer, something she’d sworn she’d never do again. As the euphoria melted away, she was angry at herself for being so weak.
How could she have let this happen again?
Thorne isn’t like Captain Seaton. You didn’t make any promises.
Captain Seaton had been angry that she’d been the one to reject him ultimately and that was why he tried to ruin her career.
She didn’t think Thorne was like that. He seemed to have a good head on his shoulders. He was rational, but a bit of niggling self-doubt ate away at her. Trust was a big issue for her. She wasn’t sure if she could trust Thorne.
She wasn’t sure if she would honestly trust another man again.
* * *
Thorne watched her. He wasn’t sure if she was sleeping. Her eyes were closed, but her breathing wasn’t deep, as if she was in sleep. He knew he’d promised her that nothing had to happen out of this, that was the way she wanted it and that was what he wanted. Wasn’t it?
Of course that was what he wanted.
They’d made no promises; if promises had been exchanged he wouldn’t have gone through with it, because he was never going to have a relationship. He’d been weak and forgotten that he couldn’t have her.
He rolled over onto his back and scrubbed his hands over his face, staring up at the fan slowly rotating on his ceiling. What had he done? The guilt ate at him.
“What’s wrong?” Erica murmured.
“Nothing.” He turned to his side again. “Just watching you sleep.”
“Why are you watching me?” she asked, moving onto her side and tucking her hands under her head.
“I couldn’t help it. It was relaxing.”
“That groan you gave out didn’t sound like you were at ease.”
“Perhaps not.”
She smiled and then frowned. “So, what happens now?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean when we’re back on duty.” Erica leaned on an elbow. “I don’t want any awkwardness. I’d like to act like nothing happened between us.”
“We’ll just go on as normal. Nothing has to change; I think we both made our intentions clear.”
“We did.” Then she got up, holding the sheet against her.
“Where are you going?”
“Back to my quarters.” She bent over, picking up the pieces of her clothing scattered all around the room.
“I’m not kicking you out, Erica. You don’t have to leave.”
“I do.” She sat down on the edge of the bed and began to dress. “If I stay, then it might mean more.”
“I won’t think that. Come back to bed.”
Erica chuckled. “Is that your best ‘come hither’ look?”
“I wasn’t aware I was doing one.” He leaned across and pulled her back down against the mattress to place a kiss on her lips upside down. “Stay.”
“I can’t.
Remember, I have Regina staying with me. If I don’t come back to bed, she’s going to wonder and then start poking around. She might even get a transfer until she figures it all out.”
Thorne shuddered. “Okay, you better go, but know this—it’s against doctor’s orders.”
She rolled her eyes, got up and finished dressing. Then she came around to his side of the bed and kissed him.
“Thanks for tonight.”
“Anytime.” He wanted to say more things. He wanted to tie her down in his bed and never let her go, but she was right. If she came out of his quarters the next morning and someone saw her, there would be gossip. She didn’t want any more gossip about her, which was fair.
He didn’t want the gossip either. Thorne didn’t want to get her in trouble or transferred. Losing her would be detrimental to the welfare of the base hospital.
And you too.
Yeah, he’d miss the comraderie. She was the only second in command he’d ever met who’d stood up to their commanding officer. Who worked alongside him as a team. They were equals.
She was strong.
Thorne had thought being with her once would flush her from his system, instead he found himself wanting more.
So much more.
* * *
Erica tried to sneak back into her quarters. The television had been flickering in the window when she approached and she was worried that as soon as she walked through the door she’d be bombarded with questions, but when she peered through the window she could see that Regina was passed out in front of the TV.
Maybe dancing at Scooby’s had exhausted her.
One could only hope.
Erica shut the door behind her as quietly as she could, locked it and then slid off her shoes to creep along the tiled hallway to her bedroom.
She was almost home free.
“Where were you tonight?”
Erica turned to see Regina sitting upright, no sign of being asleep or having been asleep. “You were awake when I came home, weren’t you?”
“I was. I saw you peek through the window.”
“You’re a pain.” Erica tried to escape again, but she was up against a pro.
“Where were you?”
“I’m an adult. You’re not my mother.”
Regina crossed her arms. “I was worried when you disappeared from the bar. It would’ve been nice if you had told me where you were going.”