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Private Release Page 5


  Adele forgot to tell Brianna that she moved in with her employer two days ago, because her new boss was a hardheaded nitwit. She packed up and moved in with Jared but, as he promised before, she was given her own bedroom. His sister’s old bedroom, which had its own bathroom, was quite comfortable and right across the hall from him.

  He’d kept his distance, but at night when she was alone Jared invaded her thoughts and her dreams.


  “Sorry,” Adele said. She set down the spreadsheet was holding. “I’m a bit distracted.”

  “I can tell.” Brianna was silent for a few moments. “So where are you?”


  “On a Sunday?”

  “I don’t work a nine to five, Bri.”

  “I don’t like the idea of you driving around late at night.”

  Adele sighed. “I’m not driving. I’m living here.”

  “Where is here?”

  “My client’s place.” Adele braced herself.

  “What? Are you kidding me?”

  “Brianna, take a chill pill. I’m an adult.”

  “I’m just worried.” Now it was Brianna’s turn to sigh. “Have you been watching the news lately?”

  “No. I haven’t. Why?”

  “Vernon Jeffries escaped.”

  The blood drained from her face and the room began to spin. “What do mean escaped?”

  “I mean he escaped from Stony Mountain Institution. They were taking him in for pretrial. He assaulted the correctional officers and fled. He, like, bit the guy or something.”

  Bit? She found that hard to believe, but she wouldn’t put anything past that scumbag. Adele’s pulse raced. Vernon was the biggest mafia guy in Manitoba. She had been investigation his money-laundering front, she got too close and he shot her. He was the reason her career ended.

  Of course, it was just her career. Vernon had tried to end her life.

  “Do they have any idea where he might be?” she asked, finally finding her voice.

  “The border, so North Dakota.”

  Well. At least he wasn’t trying to find her.

  “I hope they catch him,” Adele said, and she meant it.

  “Don’t you think it’s for the best if she came here with me? I can watch out for you.”

  “Brianna, I know you mean well. Chances are Vernon Jeffries is not coming after me and if he was you’d be putting your kids at risk.”

  “I just want you safe.”

  “I am.” Adele turned as Jared and Étienne entered the suite. Her breath caught in her throat. Jared had been so scarce since she moved in, as if he was forcing himself to give her her space. Étienne followed him, as if he was some kind of personal shield, and the two were bent over a file folder. Jared was dressed in tailored slacks and a dark-blue dress shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his elbow. It suited his strawberry-blond hair. He was so handsome.

  “Adele, are you there?”

  “Sorry, Bri. I have to go. I’m working now. Just know that I’m okay.”

  “Okay. Call me when you get a chance.” Brianna’s voice was tense, worried.

  “I will. Bye.” Adele ended the call and set down her phone. She glanced over at Jared again. He gazed up at her and then smiled. Warmth spread through her body just thinking about him, naked and at her mercy.

  If only she were more mobile and owned a set of handcuffs still.

  Adele looked away and back at her work. The numbers just blurred on the page to be replaced by flashes of Jared kissing her body, sucking her nipples. Blood burned hot in her cheeks and she wished to God Étienne would just bugger off so she could tear those tailored slacks off Jared.

  Get a grip. He’s your boss.

  There were some heavy footfalls across the floor. She watched out of the corner of her eye as Étienne left the apartment. When the doors to the elevator snapped shut she heard Jared move toward her. Then he was behind her, leaning over her.

  “How’s it going?”

  “Good.” Adele cleared her throat. “Everything is good.”

  “Who was on the phone?” He sat down on the edge of the desk beside her.

  “That’s kind of personal.”

  A smile flirted across his lips. “Unless it’s about my case, then no I don’t think it’s personal.”

  “It wasn’t about your case.”

  “Then who was it?”

  “My you’re full of questions.”

  He chuckled. “I’m nosey. At least my sister always said I was.”

  Adele smiled. “It was my sister if you must know.”

  He cocked his eyebrows. “You have a sister?”

  “I do and she’s quite overprotective.”

  “Do tell.”

  What the heck was she going to tell him? He knew she was injured in the line of duty, he saw her naked and he saw the scars.

  The truth.

  “Apparently, the man responsible for…the man who shot me escaped from prison.”

  Jared’s easy demeanor vanished. “What?”

  “Look, I’m in no danger. The last sighting of him, he was headed for the North Dakota border.”

  “He could be headed for Flin Flon for all I care. He’s a threat.” Jared positively growled the words. He stood and began to pace around. “I’ll call Étienne. He’ll find the bastard and bring him to justice.”

  Adele’s eyes widened. “Étienne? Do you run your own personal regiment of bounty hunters?”

  “Perhaps. Now give me his name.”

  Adele shook her head. “No. Leave it to the law enforcement. They’re trained for this.”

  Jared snorted. “Right. Law enforcement. Where were they when Levi was pilfering my money and murdering innocents?”

  “Murder? This man who stole money from your company murdered people?”

  Jared paused, his back to her and it was straight, his shoulder blades tense. “Yes. Levi murdered many. Including my parents.”

  “You need to contact the RCMP. This is more than a case of swindling your company’s money. If he killed people he needs to be brought to justice.”

  “Levi is dead.” Jared raked his hands through his hair and then turned to face her. “That night we were together. Did you notice my scars?”

  “I did.”

  “Levi shot me. I almost died too, but Gordon saved me and my sister. In self-defense, Gordon killed Levi.”

  Adele glanced down at the spreadsheets. “This is going to be harder than I thought. Especially since Levi is dead. Did he have any accomplices?”

  “Étienne is tracking them down.”

  Adele pinched the bridge of her nose. “Again, he shouldn’t be acting as a vigilante. Your company can get in serious trouble. You need to inform the authorities. If you don’t, I will.”

  “You signed a confidentiality clause, Adele. I could sue you for breach of contract.” He moved toward her. “I don’t want to have to sue you.”

  “Then don’t. Do the right thing.”

  Jared shook his head. “You don’t understand the delicacies of the situation. Levi was family in a sense.”

  “You have to tell someone.”

  “Fine,” Jared said firmly. “I’ll have Étienne take care of it.”


  His face was like thunder. “This is for me to report. Remember your contract. Do not call the RCMP.”

  “I won’t, as long as you will.”

  Jared scrubbed his hand over his face. “I told you Étienne will take care of it. I have to go. I’ll leave you to your work.”

  He turned on his heel and stormed away. She heard the echoing slam of his bedroom door and with its resounding thud her stomach dropped to her knees. Whoever this Levi guy was, it sounded as if he were a sick son of a bitch and next time she was talking to Gordon she was going to grill him. Something about Jared Stevens and Beare Enterprises seemed odd, not necessarily in a bad way, just different and Adele was going to find out what it was.

  The claws erupted from Jared’s hands. Long black claws that extended out of his nail bed. It wasn’t his argument with Adele, which wasn’t really an argument, just a difference of opinion. It was the idea that the man who hurt her, who tried to kill her, was on the loose.

  Jared didn’t believe for one second the man was fleeing to North Dakota. That’s what the guy would want the authorities to think. Adele had survived his attack, she could put him away. He would come for Adele.

  He took a deep breath and willed his shift from continuing, though it seemed to stall after the claws and no further. Which was fine by him. The last thing he needed to do was shift in front of Adele and scare the beejeebus out of her.

  The claws retracted, but his body still shook with rage. Whether she wanted him to or not, he was going to send Étienne and the other hunters out there to catch this motherfucker. As soon as he found out who. He needed a name.

  Adele had said her sister warned her about the escape. So, most likely the information would be on the news. Jared fired up his laptop and sure enough the top headlines for Winnipeg was the escape of a convict. A known mafia boss, Vernon Jeffries.

  When he clicked on the man’s name a picture of Adele in her RCMP dress uniform flashed up. It was an article about her shooting. Jared rolled his shoulders, trying to keep himself from getting too worked up.


  When he settled down enough he sent a text to Étienne and then paced until Étienne came to speak with him. You’re lying to her, his conscience said. Though it wasn’t exactly a lie. He wouldn’t have Étienne do anything to the man, but he’d keep tabs on Vernon Jefferies at the very least, to keep Adele safe.

  The door to Sheridan’s old room slammed, telling him Adele had retreated to her own private space. She was probably pissed at him, with good reason, since he’d threatened to sue her.

  And he would to protect the secrecy of the clan.

  He was glad she was in her room. It might make it a bit easier to talk to Étienne.

  “Chief Jared?” Étienne called out.

  Jared printed out Vernon Jefferies’ wanted notice and met Étienne in the main foyer, motioning for him to be quiet.

  “Follow me.” Jared walked across the foyer to his father’s receiving room. His hand hesitated on the doorknob. He hated using these rooms. It just reminded him that his parents were gone. It reminded him of the destruction Levi had wrought upon his clan, of what no longer remained.

  Once they were in the chamber with the door shut Étienne cocked an eyebrow in question. “Must be serious.”

  “It is,” Jared said grimly. “I need you to track someone.”

  Étienne crossed his arms. “You’ve tracked more of Levi’s gang?”


  “A missing clansperson?”


  “Then who am I to track? I wasn’t aware of anyone else.”

  “I need you to track a human male.” Jared handed Vernon Jefferies’ rap sheet to Étienne. “I want you to track him only, don’t harm him.” Though it pained him to say that. The beast inside him wanted to tear Vernon Jefferies apart, to shred him until nothing recognizable was left to piece back together.

  Étienne took the sheet and frowned. “A human criminal? Why?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  Étienne’s eyes narrowed. “It’s because of Ms. Banks isn’t it?”

  Jared snarled. “She’s an employee of Beare Enterprises. I have to protect our employees.”

  “She’s not Mukswa.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does, with all due respect, Chief.” Étienne took a step back and lowered his gaze. “I have more than Levi’s clan to track. Other clanspeople have been coming to me to track their missing…their missing daughters.”

  Jared’s stomach twisted. I’m a shitty chief.

  Étienne had no time to track down some random human criminal, even if that man was responsible for hurting Adele. Jared’s first priority was the clan. Adele was from a different society, with different rules and he had no right to interfere.

  “Then find the missing daughters. I’m afraid this human will track Adele here and put the clan at risk, so we should double up security around the building.”

  Étienne nodded. “Of course. I didn’t mean to talk out of place—”

  Jared held up his hand. “You weren’t. You’re my second-in-command, bro. I need your advice. I’m sorry I snapped at you.”

  Étienne wouldn’t make eye contact. Instead he just ducked his head, handed Jared the sheet back and left the receiving room.

  Jared crumpled up the sheet and tossed it into the recycling bin. What the hell was he thinking?

  Protecting my mate.

  Jared shook his head. Adele wasn’t his mate. She couldn’t be. She wasn’t Mukswa and his mate had already been chosen. He would be joined with her by the end of the month. The thought of joining with Cassandra, his chosen mate, made him sick to his stomach. It physically pained him.

  He wanted Adele. Only she’d been able to release his trapped beast and he knew she’d be the only one to heal his broken soul.

  Though he knew he shouldn’t seek her out, he couldn’t help himself. He wanted her in his arms again, even if just for a few stolen moments, before he was joined with what everyone else deemed was a suitable mate.

  Jared ended up in front of Sheridan’s door and he didn’t know how he got there. He hesitated, but then tried the door, finding it opened. Adele was sitting in a chair, reading. He shut the door behind him, locking it.

  “Jared?” she asked in wonder. She set her book down. “What can I do for you?”

  I just want you. Forever.

  He said nothing as he closed the distance between them and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her to the bed.

  “Jared, what’re you doing?”

  He silenced her question with a kiss, his tongue pushing past her lips, letting her know just how urgently he wanted her.

  Because he fucking wanted her.

  He needed her, and through the red haze of his lust, he fought the urge to do instinctually what his kind did when they bonded, and that was to flip her over and mark her back.

  She’s human. It would hurt her.

  Adele responded to his kiss, her tongue entwining with his, her fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck.

  It drove him to a near frenzy and he couldn’t wait to bury himself to the hilt in her sweet pussy. The clothes began to quickly disappear and Jared had no problem aiding Adele. When she was naked a growl of appreciation rumbled deep from his chest. She’d been here two days and he’d kept his distance from this?


  All he could surmise was that he was an idiot. He recalled every nuance of her. The silken feel of her hair and skin. The peachy tinge that colored her cheeks when she was aroused and like the fruit, Adele was just as sweet.

  Jared nibbled a path down her neck, tasting her.

  God, he loved her on his lips.

  She sighed as he swirled his tongue in the hollow of her neck before tracking down to her breasts. Her nipples puckered when he cupped one. He drew a peak into his mouth, gently sucking and circling his tongue around the sensitive nub. His cock was hard and ready for her.

  Her legs fell open, but she couldn’t wrap them around his hips, though she tried. Jared knew her leg on one side was too weak.

  “I want you,” she panted, arching her back.

  “Patience.” Jared stroked her cunt. She was wet and when he slipped two fingers in her folds, testing her, she let out a small cry.

  Oh yeah, she was ready for him.

  Take her!

  His instincts took over. He was blind to everything. The only thing controlling him at the moment was his primal urge to stake his claim as her mate. It was as if she were in heat and he was driven to madness, but she wasn’t. She was human.

  “Take me. Please.” She was begging.

  With a sna
rl he slipped his hand under her ass and positioned her weaker leg around his waist as he surged forward, sinking his dick into her depths.

  “Fuck!” he cried out, gritting his teeth as the pressure built in the base of his spine. His balls tightened. If he wasn’t careful he’d come now, like some untried youth, such was his need to claim her. Filling her with his seed, marking her with that scent would scare off other males who’d come sniffing around.

  Adele wiggled her hips the best she could, urging him to move. To fuck her. Her small undulations made him lose control. Almost.

  “Patience,” he said, as the sensation eased and he was again in command of his arousal.

  Jared started out slow, loving the sensation of pulling out and thrusting into her heat. “So tight,” he murmured.

  Adele moaned. A guttural sound that brought a smile to his face. He’d been with countless women, both human and Mukswa, but it was just to sate his need. He didn’t take much pleasure or pride if he made them come. He made sure he never left a woman wanting, but when he was done they were afterthoughts.

  Never once had he wanted a woman so badly, and to pleasure her without thinking of his own. She was always on his mind, in his dreams. Always there. He couldn’t get enough of Adele and he knew it would be hard to let her go when it came to that moment, because as much as he wanted to claim her as his mate, he couldn’t.

  Their society was secret and he was the chief.

  Adele couldn’t be his.

  Her pussy clenched around his cock, her body tensing under his hands as she came. Jared quickened his pace, his thrusts shallow, as he hastened to his own release. It didn’t take long and her hot sheath milked his cock. He came inside her and then had the brutal realization that he didn’t put anything on to protect her from his seed.


  He wasn’t thinking straight, but that was no excuse.

  “Jared? You’re really tense for what just happened.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said, breathlessly. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t use protection.”

  Her mouth formed a perfect O and then she bit her lip. “Should I be worried, I mean other than pregnancy?”

  “No. I haven’t been with anyone in a year.”