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Private Release Page 7

  The elevator stopped, but she didn’t know what floor. The doors opened and Étienne held it as she walked out of the elevator. She gasped at the sight of a large common atrium. From the vantage of the windows directly ahead of her she could tell they were mid-way up the large tower. The view of the city was still pretty spectacular.

  The atrium hummed with people. From her isolation in the penthouse she was predisposed to believe that no one else lived or worked at Beare Enterprises save for Jared and his bald, scarred companion Étienne.

  “This is the common area for our…our employees,” Étienne said.

  And their families apparently. Adele spied some young children on the far side of the atrium, pressing their faces against the glass to gawk at the city of Winnipeg below them. Beare Enterprises obviously had a daycare system, which most large companies did nowadays.

  Then, across the crowded room she caught site of Jared. His ginger hair was unmistakable in a sea of dark black, brown and some blonde. He was standing stiffly against a wall, his arms folded tightly against his chest, talking with the most breath-taking woman Adele had ever seen.

  She was like one of those Swedish models. She was tall, almost as tall as Jared. The woman was trim, fashionably dressed as though she were the first lady. Her platinum-blonde hair was done back in an elegant coif and she had an air of poise about her. The woman reached out and stroked Jared’s arm, with obvious loving affection.

  Adele’s heart sank and suddenly she felt really dowdy in comparison to the tall, cool beauty who currently had Jared’s attention. She looked away. What did she have to live up to?

  Her skin was darker because of her English and Cree heritage. Her black hair was never so elegantly done up. It hung loose over her shoulders and was long past a trim for dead ends, but then Adele had never had any money until this job.

  She was not tall or slim. She was average and had curves, and because of her shooting accident and her reliance on her crutches, it meant she didn’t move with any kind of grace.

  Adele stole another glance because she was a sucker for punishment. Jared didn’t look at the beautiful woman. In fact, he appeared bored, his eyes scanning the room until his gaze landed on her.

  Warmth spread in her cheeks the moment their eyes locked across the atrium. His intense blue eyes twinkled with lust and he grinned at her. The Swedish princess may have a lot of things, but she didn’t have Jared’s smile. That was directed at only her and it gave Adele a secret thrill.

  “Are you coming?” Étienne asked, interrupting her reverie.

  “Of course. Sorry, I was admiring the atrium.” And a certain occupant.

  “We’re very proud of our building.” Étienne nodded. “Mr. Rideau’s office is at the end of this hall.”

  She followed Étienne down a hall, away from the crowded atrium. The hall was lined with various offices, but there was nothing on the outside of the door to let her know what the offices were for.

  How odd.

  Usually any office building would have more than just room numbers. They would at least say who the office belonged to or what was done there, but there was nothing. She caught a glimpse of one room that appeared to be like a Ministry of Transportation or some other type of government office due to the service counter and the take-a-number counter on the wall.

  What kind of place was Beare Enterprises?

  Étienne stopped at the end of the hall and knocked on the door. “Mr. Rideau?”

  “Who is it?” snapped a nervous voice from the other side of the closed door.


  The door was opened quickly and another good-looking, albeit sweaty man, opened the door. He wasn’t as tall as Étienne or Jared, but he was broad-shouldered and muscular, but again not as muscular as Étienne or Jared.

  Even though most women would be drooling over Mr. Rideau, there was something about him Adele did not like, and compared to Étienne, that was saying something.

  “I don’t have time to speak with you today, Étienne. I’m busy.” Then his gaze alighted on her and his face paled, as if he recognized her somehow, but Adele had never seen him before. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…”

  “This is Ms. Banks. She’s Mr. Stevens’ investigator to help us track down the extorted funds. She wanted to ask you some questions, Clement.”

  Clement leaned against the door. His armpit stains were quite visible on his dark-blue dress shirt. “I told you, Étienne. I can’t today. She can make an appointment.” He went to close the door, but Adele stepped forward, sticking forearm crutches in the way.

  “I don’t think you quite understand the severity of the situation, Mr. Rideau. Mr. Stevens has given me freedom to all of Beare Enterprises’ financial records. I think you can make time to answer a few of my questions about some income tax returns. I think you’ll find that Mr. Steven insists.”

  Adele heard a snicker from behind her and knew Étienne was chuckling. Whether because he approved of what she said, or thought she was no threat, Adele didn’t care.

  Clement’s head dropped and he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Of course.” He stepped to the side.

  “Thank you, Mr. Rideau.” Adele turned to Étienne. “I would like it very much if you stayed.”

  Étienne cocked an eyebrow. “Of course.”

  Adele nodded, walking into Mr. Rideau’s office and she heard Étienne follow after her. She was glad Étienne didn’t turn her down. There was something off about Clement Rideau and she didn’t want to be alone with him.

  She glanced around the accountant’s office and she was struck at how incredibly disorganized it was. There were stacks of papers teetering on the desk, tops of filing cabinets and there was paper strewn about the floor. There was also a collection of dirty coffee mugs, a stench of sweat mixed with fear, and the wastepaper basket was overflowing.

  “Take a seat, Ms. Banks,” Clement Rideau said, his voice hitching as he moved a pile of papers. He cleared off the seat beside her, but Étienne just remained with his back against the wall and arms folded across his chest.

  “Thank you,” Adele said, easing herself down into the chair. She glanced around the unkempt office once more. “Have you been burning the midnight oil, Mr. Rideau?”

  Clement Rideau sat down across from her and closed his laptop. “You can say that. Since…” He trailed off and glanced nervously at Étienne. “I’ve also been trying to locate the missing funds.”

  “Well, maybe we can work together, because that’s what I’ve been hired to do.”

  Mr. Rideau glanced up nervously at Étienne as if for confirmation and then rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s all well and good, Ms. Banks, but locating the extorted funds requires a certain amount of knowledge and education.”

  “I’m a forensic accountant and former officer of the RCMP. I think I have the knowledge and education.”

  Clement Rideau’s face turned an awful shade of grey-green and she could swear there was a faint twinkle of recognition, but it was gone instantly and he cleared his throat. “As in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.”

  Adele cocked an eyebrow. “Is there any other RCMP in Canada?”

  He chuckled nervously and glanced up at Étienne. “I didn’t realize Mr. Stevens was bringing outsiders in.”

  “Well, he did,” Étienne said. “As I stated before, she is to have carte blanche of all the financial records.”

  Clement smiled, but it was a nervous smile. “Of course. Well, I’m here to answer any question you may have, Ms. Banks.”

  * * * * *

  “Jared, you’re not really paying any attention to me.”

  Jared shook his head, trying to wake himself up. “Sorry, Cassandra. I will try to pay more attention.”

  She pouted. “Poor soul. You’ve been working yourself to the bone.”

  “Yeah, that’s it. Look, I’m sorry, Cassandra, but preparations for the mating ceremony don’t interest me in the least.”

  “You don’t
want to be joined with me?”

  “No, of course I do.” He was lying through his teeth of course, because all he wanted was Adele. “I just have a lot of things on my mind.”

  Like licking Adele’s pussy and making her come with his mouth. Just the thought of it caused his dick to become hard as a rock.


  “I have to go, Cassandra. Please forgive me.”

  “Of course.” She smiled and nodded. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Yes.” Jared left the room, he had to take care of his problem with a cold shower or jerk off. Even though all he wanted to do was slide his cock into Adele’s wet, hot pussy. He couldn’t get her off his mind.

  He’d kept his distance from Adele, even though it was physically painful and it didn’t seem to be working. His conscience, his very soul, thought of Adele as his mate. Not Cassandra.

  Only he had to be joined to Cassandra, for the good of his clan.

  So he had to keep away from Adele, but when he saw her across the atrium today with Étienne, everything had slowed down in that moment. He remembered the way she felt in his arms, the way she tasted and smelled.

  He needed Adele like air.

  Again he found himself standing in her room. If he kept up this pining he was going sleepwalk right out into a semi truck or something. Jared turned away, but he couldn’t move himself. Instead he reached down and picked up one of the feather pillows on the bed.

  The scent of her green tea perfume was permeated into the Egyptian cotton. It was this scent that invaded his dreams before she came to him, his soul’s way of telling him she was his chosen mate.

  He just didn’t count on her being human.

  “What are you doing?”

  Jared spun around to see Adele standing in the doorway, her eyebrow cocked in question. He set the pillow back down.

  “You’re not going to feed me some folderol about inspecting the sheets or something?”

  “You’re mocking me aren’t you?” he asked.

  “What gave it away?” She walked toward him. “Not that long ago I wouldn’t have minded to see you in here, sniffing my sheets, but since then I’ve been getting the cold shoulder for some time.”

  “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have come, but I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “You’ve told me that before.” Adele let out a sigh. “Jared, I really like you. A lot, more than I ought to probably, but I can’t stand all this hot and cold with you.”

  A pang of regret slammed into his gut. “I’m sorry.”

  “There’s no apology needed. I’m an adult, I can make my own decisions regarding my sex life, it’s just… I think I’m falling for you and I don’t want to be hurt again.”

  “Have I hurt you before?” he asked, hoping he hadn’t caused her heartache with his stupid, erratic behavior.

  “No, not you. I was engaged before.” She sat down on the edge of the bed and took off her arm braces. “I was in love with him and he broke my heart.”

  Jared’s inner beast growled at the thought of someone hurting Adele. “What was his name?”

  Adele looked up at him quizzically. “What does that matter?”

  “If he hurt you…”

  “Jared, he didn’t physically hurt me, he left me after I was shot. Not straightaway, but when the prognosis for regaining the strength I had before was not good, when I was told by my surgeon and physiotherapist that I would have to rely on these crutches for mobility… When we were told we’d have a hard time having kids, well, he left me when I became disabled.”

  “He deserves pain.”

  Adele laughed and smiled at him. “Maybe, but it took me a long time to get over him. He broke my heart, but the worst part was trying to regain my confidence again. You helped with that, but I know I can’t handle the hot and cold. You’re either done with me or you’re not. I just can’t risk falling in love with you, Jared.”

  His heart clenched. Hurting her was the last thing he wanted to do. Even though rationally he should just walk away, he couldn’t. He needed her.

  Adele may not love him, but he was in love with her.

  “Are you going to walk away?” she asked.

  “No,” he said. “No, I can’t walk away from you.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes and she smiled. “I’m glad to hear it.”

  “Let me hold you, Adele. I don’t like seeing you in pain.”

  “I want you to hold me.”

  That was all he needed to close the distance between them. He was sitting next to her on the bed, reaching out he brushed an errant strand of hair from her face. “I was a fool. Such a fool.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Never mind.” He tilted her chin and brought his lips to hers, gently pressing in a light, butterfly kiss, savoring the taste of her. Then he deepened his kiss, because he wanted her. He’d never get enough of her.

  He pressed her down on the bed and she gladly went with him. Jared slipped his hand up her shirt, she wasn’t wearing a bra. It drove him near mad.

  Jared needed her naked. Now.

  With regret he pulled himself off her and got out of his clothes as quickly as he could. Then he went to work on her clothing, with her help, until her skin was bared to him.

  His fingers ran up her thigh, hooking under the waistband of her panties and pulling them down. He stroked her pussy and she was already wet for him. He sucked in a deep breath, thinking that soon he would be buried inside her.

  Right where he wanted and needed to be.

  He stood over her, dragging her to the edge of the bed. He cupped her ass, angling her hips, and then sank into her moist heat.

  “Fuck. I love the feel of you wrapped around me.”

  “Jared.” She sighed.

  “Rub your clit for me, baby,” he said. “I need to hold you to properly fuck you.”

  Adele’s hand slipped down and began to rub, circling two of her slender fingers around and around. Every time he thrust forward, he could feel her pleasuring herself and it made him hot for her.

  Mark her.

  His sharp incisors punched down through his gums. He sucked in his bottom lip and bit down, drawing blood. It helped ease the urge to mark Adele.

  “Faster, Jared. Oh God, faster.”

  He growled and did exactly as she asked, pumping in and out of her wet, slick heat as fast as he could.

  “Oh God. Oh God.” Her neck arched and she came around him, her pussy squeezing his cock. He dropped her hips and leaned over her, his arms braced on either side of her head as he thrust in quick movements, his balls slapping her ass.

  “Fuck!” he cried out, stilling as he stiffened and spilled his seed into her.

  When he was spent he slipped out of her and dropped down beside her, pulling her against his chest. Her breathing was hard, as was his.

  “I can hear your heart,” she whispered.

  It beats only for you, which was he wanted to say to her, but couldn’t. “You gave me quite a workout.”

  She glanced up at him. “Stay with me.”

  He kissed her, his cock getting hard again. “Of course, I won’t hurt you again.”


  “I do.”

  And he meant it. He’d break off his engagement to Cassandra tomorrow and face the wrath of his clansmen. He couldn’t pretend any longer.

  Chapter Nine

  Courage. You’re the chief.

  Jared took a deep breath. This was it. He was going to break off his formal engagement to Cassandra. He was going to end that, because there was no way he’d be able to mark her, let alone mate with her.

  All he wanted was Adele, even if it meant his line ended.

  Jared leaned over the wooden desk that had once been his father’s and found himself staring at a picture of his father, Sheridan and him. Sheridan and he were just children in the photograph. Their dad was smiling as Jared sat on his lap and Sheridan was leaning from behind, her arms wrapped around his

  He knew if his father was alive, he’d be disappointing him.

  “I’m sorry, Dad, but I just can’t do it.”

  There was a knock and Étienne entered the room. “The council is assembled.”

  Jared nodded. “Thanks.”

  “What’s this for anyways? Did Ms. Banks find some discrepancy with Clement’s income tax returns.”

  “What?” he asked, confused. “Income tax returns?”

  “Yesterday I took Ms. Banks down to see Clement Rideau. She had some questions and wanted to go over some financial records with him. I thought she would’ve told you.”

  “No, she didn’t mention it.” Probably because they’d been otherwise engaged, but if she found some reason to suspect Clement, then Jared had to make a mental note to keep an eye on him.

  “I’m already watching Clement,” Étienne said as if reading his mind.

  “Because of Ms. Banks?”

  Étienne shook his head. “No, because when Levi was in charge Clement seemed to be his right-hand man. When Levi turned up dead Clement claimed he was forced to, that he was threatened to comply. He showed us some pretty nasty scars from where Levi and his goons apparently tortured him.”

  Jared had a sinking feeling. “Then he may know where the missing funds are?”

  “He says he doesn’t. All Levi wanted from him was the codes to access the bank accounts.”

  He scrubbed his hand over his face. “I’ll talk to Adele after the council meeting.”

  “She’s Adele again, eh?”

  “What’s it to you?”

  “You’re going to be mated to Cassandra,” Étienne said, sternly.

  “Again, I ask what’s it to you? Are you in love with Cassandra?”

  “Fuck no. I just want to see what’s done right by the tribe. You need to mate with one of our kind, not a human.”

  “What about what’s right for me as chief?”

  “That’s selfish, bro, and you know it.”