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  That’s if the man was coming after her.

  Who are you kidding?

  Of course Vernon Jefferies would be coming for Adele. Jared could feel it deep in his bones. He pulled out his phone to call her and saw the voicemail. It was Adele and she was telling him she was on her way. The time she left the message, she should’ve been here by now.

  “Étienne, has Adele come to the front door?”

  Étienne stuck his head into Clement’s bedroom. “I don’t know. Are you expecting her?”

  Dread coursed down his spine. “Yeah.” He handed Étienne the note as he walked out of the bedroom.

  “Where are you going?” Étienne asked, falling into step behind him.

  “I have to find Adele. She’s in danger.”

  “Are you certain, bro?”

  Jared nodded. “I can feel it. She’s in danger. We have to find her fast.”

  Étienne pulled out his phone and tapped on an application. “Her car is headed to Duff Roblin Provincial Park.”

  Jared cocked an eyebrow. “How do you know?”

  “When she first started here I had a tracking device placed on her car.”


  “Bro, I couldn’t take any chances with an outsider.”

  Jared grabbed Étienne’s phone and stared at the map, showing a little red dot that was Adele’s car, moving toward the provincial park. “Usually, I’d be pissed, but not this time. We have to hurry. Adele’s in danger.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Pull into that far spot by the trees.”

  Adele listened. She didn’t really have a choice and she parked the car, turning off the ignition. The man had a gun to her head. He’d taken her to the outskirts of Winnipeg, to Duff Roblin Provincial Park down by the Red River.

  They’d driven south toward Plum Coulee and she hoped he didn’t mean to kill her in front of her sister, or leave her body nearby, because then that meant he knew about Brianna and the kids. That thought was too much to bear. Death, she could deal with. Putting the people she loved at risk was too horrific.

  “Give me the keys.”

  Adele handed Vernon her keys.

  “Get out of the car slowly.”

  “In case you hadn’t noticed I don’t move fast.” She knew now was not the time to be flippant, but she wasn’t going to let him get off easy. It was times like this she wished she was still armed.

  The bastard chuckled. “Just get of the car, bitch.”

  Adele opened the door and slid out. “Are you going to take care of me in the parking lot, because I’d like to get this over with.”

  “Don’t be glib with me.” Vernon’s eye twitched and he pointed the gun at her. Then he raised his head, wincing. “What the fuck is that noise?”

  Adele looked around, confused. “I don’t hear anything.”

  Vernon moved toward her car, popping the trunk. He cocked his head and pulled out a small, flashing beacon.

  “What the fuck is this?” he screamed.

  “I have no idea.” She really didn’t know and didn’t understand how he was hearing something when the thing he was holding made no sound.

  “It’s a tracking device, you cunt. You’re having us tracked?” He placed the beacon on the ground and stomped down on it, shattering it. “You think you’re so fucking smart. You have no idea who you’re dealing with.”

  She was going to say something else, but fear overtook her. She opened her mouth to scream, but couldn’t form the words because what she saw was unreal. Claws, long sharp claws were curling from Vernon’s hands and his eyes were yellow, predatory.

  “Move. Down to the river.”

  Adele couldn’t move. She was frozen.

  “I said move, bitch!”

  “What are you?”

  Vernon grinned, showing a row of sharp, jagged teeth with prominent canines. They were teeth meant to tear out a throat.

  “Dude, that’s so not how a Mukswa acts.”

  Adele wanted to cry out as Jared and Étienne came out of the fog from behind Vernon. They were walking calmly toward him. Her heart began to race with the thought that Vernon might kill Jared.

  Vernon turned. “Well, well. If it isn’t the mighty Chief Jared of the Beare clan.”

  Jared grinned. “I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure, Mr. Jefferies. You’re certainly not from my clan.”

  Vernon snorted. “As if.”

  Adele had no idea what they were talking about, but as Jared engaged Vernon, Étienne was moving silently around the edge, toward her.

  Vernon swung his gun at Étienne. “Not another move. I’m a fast shot, you take another step toward her and I’ll splatter her brains all over her car.”

  Adele watched as Jared signaled Étienne to back off.

  Vernon took a step back to her.

  “You’re a coward. No true Mukswa fights with a weapon.”

  Vernon snorted again. “At least those who are armed are smarter than you. I knew Levi, it was his fire power, not his fighting skills that helped him successfully win over your father’s clan.”

  Jared let out a snarl, which made the hairs on the back of Adele’s neck stand on end. No human she’d ever met made that sound before. She glanced back at Étienne, but he was gone, replaced by a polar bear.

  She leaned back against the car door, because if she didn’t she was going to crumple up on the ground.

  “Don’t you dare mention my father to me.”

  The polar bear that was now in Étienne’s place let out a deafening roar. If she could run, she would.

  Vernon grinned. “I heard you couldn’t even shift anymore, Chief Jared. That a bullet wound in your little shoulder prevented you from letting out the bear.”

  Jared rolled his neck. “What’s your point?”

  Vernon set down his gun. “Shift. Let’s fight then. I know how to fight like a true Mukswa.”

  Adele screamed as Vernon’s clothes tore from his body and a giant grizzly bear stood between Jared and her.

  How can Jared fight a bear, let alone two?

  The polar bear remained at a distance, staring at Jared.

  Hot tears rolled down her face. This was it. Jared was going to be mauled right in front of her and there was nothing she could do. She eyed the gun then, so close to her.

  She had to try to get to it. Though the measly pistol would do nothing but piss the grizzly bear off. At least it would buy Jared some time to escape.

  Vernon Jefferies was rogue grizzly. Jared knew there was something about him that he didn’t like when he first laid eyes on him. Of course he recognized him as the strange guy who lived next to Adele, though his appearance had altered enough for her not to recognize him, or for even Jared to recognize his true identity when he printed off Vernon’s rap sheet.

  Vernon had helped Levi embezzle from Beare Enterprises. Clement had been in on it too, but he wasn’t as cruel-hearted as Vernon and Levi and it finally drove him to depression and suicide, which is what the note had said.

  Clement recognized Adele, because Vernon had been looking for her when Jared forced Adele to move in with him.

  Unfortunately, a terrible trait of Mukswa was their need for revenge.

  Jared knew it all too well.

  Adele had sent Vernon to a human prison. Caged him, and it drove Vernon insane with rage.

  Again, he knew the feeling of having the beast caged.

  Now Vernon was between Adele and him. Jared could sense her fear. She didn’t understand what was going on. He wanted to hold her and tell her that everything would be okay, but he couldn’t, and then he watched her edge toward Vernon’s pistol.

  “Adele, don’t!” he called out, but it was too late. She grabbed the gun and fired it at Vernon.

  Vernon let out a roar and stood on his hind legs, before dropping back down on all fours to charge Adele.

  Anger coursed through him and the clothes tore from his body as he shifted into a polar bear once more.

nne was already trying to head off Vernon and keep him from touching Adele, but without claws all he could manage was one bite before Vernon flung Étienne away. Jared sprung into the air and landed on his back.

  His claws were just fine as he sunk them into Vernon’s back haunch. Vernon roared and tried to shake Jared off of him, but there was no way he was going to let go. Vernon had threatened his mate.

  His mate.

  All Jared wanted was blood.

  Vernon’s blood.

  The bastard was strong and Jared knew if he let go of his hold on him, Vernon would shake him off and kill Adele.

  Jared knew of another Mukswa who had his own need for revenge. One who would have a hard time winning in a fight since he was violated and tortured.

  Need your help, bro.

  Étienne shook his head and stalked toward them. Jared pulled back with all his might, pulling Vernon down on top of him, exposing Vernon’s jugular. Vernon began to thrash, as if sensing the inevitable.

  He may have been wild from being imprisoned in a human prison, but Vernon had become weak. With his claws embedded into his flesh, Jared knew the fight was almost over.

  Étienne snarled and with one quick lunge, ripped out Vernon’s throat. Hot blood splashed against Jared’s face.

  Vernon’s body stilled, his muscles relaxing, his body going limp as his blood drained from his body.

  Étienne let out a loud roar and then galloped down toward the river. No doubt to wash Vernon’s stink from him. Jared released his grip on Vernon and then kicked his body free from the massive bulk.

  He looked toward Adele, curled up on the ground, sobbing in terror. He shuffled to her, his head down trying to show her he meant no harm. She glanced at him and let out a cry of terror, cringing again.

  She was afraid of him in his bear form and that saddened him.

  What did you expect? Up until now she probably didn’t even think such a being could exist. He was going to keep it from her, but now she knew and he hoped with time she would understand, that she would want him.

  He shifted back to his human form. “Adele?”

  “Stay away from me!” Her voice shook. She got to her feet, and gripped her crutches. He saw her car keys tangled in Vernon’s shredded clothes. He bent down and picked her keys up, holding them out to her, but she wouldn’t take them.

  “Here,” he said gently. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “What are you?” she asked.

  “I’m a man, I’m just…we’re known as Mukswa. Bear shifters.”

  Adele nodded, but wouldn’t look him in the eye. “Something else you’ve been keeping from me.”

  “I had to protect my people.”

  Her eyes widened. “There are more than you?”

  “Étienne is one. Vernon was one, everyone at Beare Enterprises is Mukswa.” He took another step toward her. “You probably know a few of us, you just don’t know you know.”

  Adele shook her head. “I would notice this.”

  “Did you notice Gordon?”

  Her face paled. “Gordon, he’s one?”

  Jared nodded. “He married my sister.”

  “I’m terrified of bears. Always have been, they haunt my nightmares.” She muttered the words, but he heard them. Every single one.

  Now it was Jared’s turn to be surprised. “You dream of bears.”

  “Nightmares. Terrifying nightmares.” She shook her head again and then snatched the keys. “I have to go.”

  “Adele, please let me explain my world to you.”

  “No. Just…stay away from me. Please.” Tears were rolling down her cheeks. “Please, leave me alone.”

  Jared stepped back as she got into her car and sped away. He couldn’t force her to be his mate. She wasn’t Mukswa. She’d always be his true mate in his heart, but he’d never force her to love him or stay with him.

  He loved her enough to let her go.

  Chapter Twelve

  Two months later

  The rolling prairie hills were turning green with the early onset of spring. For miles around there was not a tree in sight, nowhere for someone to hide. Adele could see everything, even the crowning landmark of the teepee from her grandfather’s home just on the outskirts of Medicine Hat.

  After the incident with Jared, and finding out he was some kind of bear shifter, Adele handed in her notice to her landlord, packed up her apartment and moved to Medicine Hat, Alberta.

  Ten hours west of Winnipeg.

  Brianna had begged Adele to come live with her, but Adele didn’t want to risk any more bears coming around Brianna’s house. She wouldn’t have them around her nieces or nephews.

  Jared’s not dangerous.

  Deep longing bloomed in her chest as her mind drifted toward Jared again. Bear or no bear, she missed him.

  It wasn’t as if she could forget about him any time soon. Not after what the doctor had told her this morning. Her times with Jared she’d gone unprotected, because she was an idiot.

  Now she was pregnant.

  Of course she’d been told she couldn’t get pregnant the old-fashioned way. When the doctor told her that she was pregnant, she’d laughed and then questioned the probability. Her new physician told her that sometimes miracles do happen.

  Adele was thrilled by the prospect of a child, but not by the thought of bringing it up it alone. Also the thought of who the child’s father brought to light a bunch of different horrors.

  Would her baby shift into a bear? Funnily enough, she didn’t have another nightmare about a bear. When she did dream about them, she dreamt about Jared’s form. A polar bear. How those two black eyes had been so gentle when he came to her. How he fought to protect her from Vernon.

  She just couldn’t go back.

  He lived in a totally different world. One she didn’t even know existed. How could they make it work? And besides all of that, he was some kind of leader and what leader wanted to be saddled with a disabled wife?

  At least that’s what the doubt weasels told her.

  Although, the last two months she’d gotten stronger and was now down to one arm crutch. Of course, when one didn’t have much to do and lived with a grandmother who was a physical therapist and Cree healer for many years, one didn’t have much choice but to try to get better.

  “Adele, are you expecting someone?” her grandpa asked as he came around the corner of the house.

  “No, why?” she asked.

  Her grandfather pointed out to the road. A plume of dust from the dry gravel was billowing up from a car that was headed down their drive.

  Adele watched the car with trepidation.

  “I’ll go open the gate.” Her grandfather met the car as it came to the drive. He opened it for the car, which had dark-tinted windows.

  The car slowly pulled up and parked in front of the house. Adele stood, waiting with bated breath, hoping it was Jared who’d come to get her.

  Étienne got out of the car and her heart sank.

  “I can see from your lack of enthusiasm you’re not exactly happy to see me.” There was a twinkle to Étienne’s eyes and he gave her a half-smile, which if it hadn’t been for his large scar, would’ve been a full one.

  “Are you going to be okay, honey?” her grandfather asked, eyeing Étienne with nervousness.

  “It’s okay, Grandpa. He’s a friend of mine from Winnipeg.”

  Her grandpa nodded. “I’ll be around back if you need me.”

  When her grandfather had left Étienne shut the car door and walked toward the porch. “You’ve regained some function.”

  “I have,” Adele said.

  “I’m glad to see it.”

  “Why are you here, Étienne?”

  “Are you scared of me?”


  He grinned again. “You lie. I don’t smell fear and human fear is something I can easily pick up. It irks me.”

  Adele smiled. “Fine, perhaps I’m not scared of bears anymore.”

  Étienne no
dded. “Good.”

  “Would you like to have a seat?”

  He nodded and came up the steps to sit in the wicker chair across from the swing where she’d been sitting.

  “Thank you for sending the USB stick with all the information. We were able to retrieve all of our funds.”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear it.” Adele tried to swallow the lump in her throat. What she really wanted to do was ask Étienne how Jared was, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Jared had been engaged. Engaged. He promised her that he’d never hurt her again, but he didn’t tell her about his fiancée.

  “Why are you ignoring Jared’s calls?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Did Jared send you here to ask me that?” she snapped.

  “No. I want to know.” He cocked his head to the side. “You’re not afraid of us anymore, so I want to know why you left. Why you won’t speak to him. You obviously love him.”

  “That’s presumptuous.”

  “I’m right though.”

  “Fine. You’re right. I love Jared.”

  “Then why are you ignoring his calls?”

  “I’m not one of you and you never liked me anyways.” She smiled.

  “I don’t like many humans, but as I told you before, I do like you. You’re strong. I like that.”

  “Why don’t you like humans?”

  Étienne ran his hand over his head. “You know how I got these scars?”


  “Levi declawed me, while I was in bear form. It was excruciating.” Étienne pointed to his face. “These scars, this is a mark we place on our mates’ backs. That way other males know to keep away. Marking a male’s face with a mate mark is the ultimate castration, for lack of a better word.”

  Her eyes widened. “He castrated you?”

  “Hell no! I still have my balls.” He grinned. “I mean emotionally, by scarring my face with a mate mark, he did.”

  “I thought Levi was a Mukswa. If Levi did that to you, that’s no reason to hate humans.”

  “He was, but the humans he planned to sell my hide to weren’t. Humans helped him declaw me, mark me. I was going to be killed and sent to a taxidermist to be stuffed and sold in Japan.”